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The Glasshouse 50


The Glasshouse 50 - Cook's Tour - takes place on or near May 17th every year.  This date being the anniversary of Cooks sighting and naming of the Glasshouse Mountains in 1770 - he  continued north and named the town of 1770 accordingly.  In his journal of that day Cook wrote ‘these hills lie but a little way inland, and not from each other: they are remarkable for the singular form of their elevation, which very much resembles a glass house, and for this reason I called them Glass Houses’, in reference to the foundries in Yorkshire, England.

Starting at Woodford swimming pool, Peterson Rd, Woodford, the 50 mile event heads out once more to Beerburrum before returning to Woodford, taking in the Bracalba Basin loops on the return leg.


May 15th, 2022


3​:00 am - 50 Mile, $185

5:00 am - 50km, $120

7:00 am - 30km, $95

9:00 am - 10km, $65
Cut-off for all events is 3:00 pm

Sign me up!
Mandatory & Recommended Kit


  • Please familiarise yourself with the course map and course directions, both of which can be found on this page. (maybe print off the map and carry a copy if you’re unsure of directions)

  • Water bottle

  • Headlamp (for runs commencing before sunrise)

  • Access to a map of the course - either by mobile device or printed map (available from this page)

  • Mobile phone (most areas or the course have coverage and having a phone means you can relocate to an area that has coverage if that’s not the case)

  • Race directors contact added to phone, Hopefully you won't need it, but if you do, you'll be glad of it.


  • Insect repellent

  • Bite and sting treatment 

  • Compression bandage (cheaply available at most chemists) 

  • Emergency Whistle

Alun Davies - 0407 836 775

AAA racing accept it in good faith that the mandatory list is adhered to by participants, though there will be spot checks on course

Mandatory Kit
CP Information
Checkpoint Info

Download a PDF HERE if using a mobile device.
  • Start/Finish:  2:00am – 3:00pm

  • CP6: 3:45am – 9:00am

  • CP4a: 4:30am – 10:00am

  • CP2: 5:00am – 7:30am

  • CP8: 7:15am – 1:30pm

  • CP7: 7:15am – 2:00pm

cut-off times for all checkpoints are flexible.  provided a participant isn’t in a condition or situation that may be deemed to be to their detriment or that of our crew, we will allow them to continue beyond cut-off times within reason but it will remain the call of the CP crew and ultimately the RD.

All checkpoints will have water, electrolyte, savouries along with chips and lollies (all in single serves) - food preparation will be compliant with COVID safe practices
Drop bags will be taken to CP2 (50 mile) and CP8 (50km and 50 mile only).
Course Maps
During the Event

Course Marking

Course marking will consist of flagging tape, arrows on trees and signage where necessary


It is essential, with no exceptions, that each participant carries a water bottle at the very minimum. There will be water at all CPs along with other provisions (specifics to be advised as necessary to participants by email, prior to event day)



Any rubbish can be taken from you each time you visit a checkpoint. Anything that leaves the checkpoint with you must stay with you until you can dispose of it properly and not on the course. We’d like to set and maintain an example to those less conscientious.


Toilet facilities are available at the start/finish area and at some locations along the course (dependent on the event).  Please do not remove paper from the toilets.


If you pull out or have to leave the course for any reason, please advise the checkpoint staff or those at the start finish area.

Practice mindfulness

Regardless of ability, please be mindful of other runners: If you’re a faster runner wanting to pass, advise the runner in front by all means, but be patient and don’t pressurise anyone. It can be unnerving and easily lead to a trip. Conversely, if you are aware of a faster runner behind you, take the utmost of care and allow them to pass when it’s safe. Many a runner/walker’s day can be blighted by the smallest of incidents and we want everyone to leave on Saturday night being a little better for their experience. Look after each other out there.

Health and injury

This isn’t the nanny state by any means but we are out on the trail. As per the waiver agreed to on entry, should you become injured or should event staff consider that you need medical attention or examination, do not continue until authorised to do so. If it’s deemed that it’s not in your interests to continue, you will be withdrawn from the event. We’d rather make the mistake of scratching someone who could continue than letting someone who shouldn’t.

Remember where you are

We don’t like to talk about it, but we are in Queensland and many of the locals aren’t so friendly if they’re frightened or disturbed. Watch where you’re putting your feet and keep a close eye on the ground as well as ahead.

We recommend that you carry a compression bandage and understand how to apply it. Take a look here:

The event crew are running the show

Cooperate with event crew/officials/volunteers all the times - they're there not only because they enjoy giving something back or participating in a different way, but because they have event experience. They know what they're doing and they'll be under instruction from the race directors. Under whatever circumstances, the event directors decisions are final ... and they're usually the same as the crew! :)


Finally, have Fun!
It is a compulsory requirement of all participants at AAA Racing events to have fun. Failure to have any fun will be frowned upon by the event management team!

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